
Reunion 2024!

Come back to St. Mike’s for Reunion 2024 on May 31st to June 2nd! We are celebrating classes that end in 4s and 9s this time around, but Reunion is open to all alumni – the more the merrier.

Check out the robust schedule of events all around campus including open houses and tours of our newest spaces, special events celebrating our alumni, class social events, the signature P-Knight celebration, Mass on campus and much more! Trust us, from Friday, May 31st through Sunday, June 2nd campus will be buzzing with activity!

Be sure to make your accommodations sooner rather than later. We have several hotel blocks secured, but they will fill up fast, and have registration deadlines by the start of May. We will also be offering a limited number of on campus townhouse rentals.

Stay connected with us on social media too! Follow @smcvtalumni on Instagram and Facebook as Throwback Thursdays are in full swing and each class is getting its own feature!

Big news! Registration this year will be easier and greener.

Get your tickets for Reunion!

The college has been working hard to improve the reunion event experience – making it environmentally friendly and easier than ever to register and check in at paid events throughout the weekend. We are pleased to announce that we are going paperless with the Eventbrite ticketing platform!

Just like when you go to a Red Sox or Yankees game now, purchase your ticket(s) and save it in your phone ‘wallet’, or take a picture of the ticket PDF and we will easily scan you into the event when you arrive. (And you can easily digitally transfer tickets to other members of your party too.) If paperless tickets are still new to you, don’t worry, our staff is here to help! Contact the reunion team at and they can assist leading up to reunion. If you arrive on campus and forgot to sign up for an event or want your tickets printed, staff can assist you at Reunion Headquarters in the Dion Student Center or at each event check-in. For non-ticketed events, just show up and join in the fun!

The Eventbrite ticket link will be available when reunion registration opens on April 1st (The college is also offering Early Bird pricing for those that register between April 1st and May 3rd with regular prices in effect May 4th.)

We can’t wait to see you back on campus for this special weekend of celebration!